Blue oak box Gradiant

The blue boxes Gradiants express themselves in different ways and in different places of the habitat. Receptacles, welcoming in them the objects that are dear to us, they also become, with their chip integrated, “smart objects” interconnected* with our smartphones, thus reinforcing the emotional connection that can sometimes incarnate some of our possessions.

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Modern wooden chair Constance

The modern wooden chair Constance, sculptural object at the same time simple and sophisticated, expresses his singular aesthetic through the mix of subtle geometry of angular shapes and flowing curves.

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Orange oak box Gradiant

The boxes Gradiants express themselves in different ways and in different places of habitat. Receptacles, welcoming in them the objects that are dear to us, they also become, with their chip integrated, “smart objects” interconnected* with our smartphones, thus reinforcing the emotional connection that can sometimes incarnate some of our possessions.

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